Sunday, November 9, 2014

Private Words

Selected Works by John Wilcox
curated by Leigh Arnold

Wilcox Space
Barry Whistler Gallery

In the foyer: "Whose Dog Are You ?", 1992.  Ink on paper. 11 3/4 x 7 inches

 In the main living space

"Untitled: In Memory of WMR", 1992. Ink and pencil on gessoed linen. 30x18 inches

 "Revelation", 1993. Typed newsprint on canvas.  44x44 inches

detail "Untitled: In Memory of FOW", 1992.  Ink and pencil on gessoed linen.  30x18 inches.

From the Kitchen: "Christogram from the Christ Pantocrator Icon", 2002.
and "Christogram from the Virgin of the Sign Icon", 2002.
Both ink on paper and 12x9 inches